Friday, July 29, 2011

XS, Hotfoot, Inertia, Fastbak,

I've put some of these up before, but will the Speed Force ever end?
I'm still working on quite a few other fast types.

Fastback, Flash, Impulse, Meloni Allen

These are either made using basic patterns or patterns I made.


These are the two versions of Lightning from T.H.U.N.D.E.R.

Windrunner, Whip Whirlwind, Lightning

These are models I made of the three Max Mercury identities I know of.

Tangent Flash, Impulse, Jai, Liberty Belle, Impala

More Speed Force.

Golden Age Flash, Silver Age Flash, Kid Flash (Bart), Johnny Quick, Jesse Quick, Max Mercury

I decided to start the Speed Force so...
Jay is Professor Plastic's beautiful model,
Barry is from HammHedz.
Bart, Johnny, Jesse and Max are all from simple patterns I've used.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Doc Savage, Gregory, Prince Astir, Tom Strong

I used a pic of Doc's action figure (or maybe it was a statue/figurine) for the chest and the profile came from the cover of a Doc Savage book.
Gregory was my favorite Piranha Press title, and I used parts of a Christopher Ryan model of an Asian girl to make him.
Astir was the only character from Key to the Kingdom, That was the only CMX title from DC that I ever looked at much.
Of course, Tom is the Superman character from ABC, so I thought I should give him a moment.